Create app

heroku create --region eu
# this will create the app in EU. Optionally you can try to create the 
# app with a name like so: heroku create <app_name> --region eu
# but most names you try are unavailable


heroku apps:info

Config vars

heroku config
# will display existing env variables
heroku config:get <env_variable_name>
# will get the value set for an env var
heroku config:set GITHUB_USERNAME=joesmith
# to set an env var


heroku logs
# or
heroku logs -n 200
# or
heroku logs --tail
# for real time
# for filtering:
heroku logs --dyno router
heroku logs --source app
heroku logs --source app --dyne worker


# start a database
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql


heroku apps                  # list
heroku apps:create [NAME]
heroku apps:destroy --app APP
heroku apps:info
heroku apps:open             # open in browser
heroku apps:rename NEWNAME


heroku releases
heroku releases:info v25
heroku rollback

Heroku console

heroku run rails c -a APP_NAME
